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While the below scheme is different from traditional checkpointed or snapshotted staking protocols, it has the benefit being more efficient while consuming far less state. Specifically the state is constant in the number of operators and nominators. Most of the time, we only adjust the current_epoch_fees for an operator pool every time fees from confirmed blocks are collected (which is frequent).

Individual nominator shares for a given pool are independent of other nominators shares. Nominators shares only have to be updated when a deposit or withdrawal is made, which are relatively infrequent (compared to bundle production).

Operator Registration

Any user who has the MinOperatorStake and sufficient hardware for running an operator node may choose to register as an operator by calling the register_operator extrinsic on a specific domain.

Operator Config

The settings for nominators, which include:

  • nomination_tax: the tax rate for compute fees earned by the pool (e.g. 5%).
  • minimum_nominator_stake: the minimum stake needed to participate as a nominator for this pool. Should be > 1 SSC.


  1. The operator must provide an operator_config and the following fields:
    • domain_id of the target domain they wish to stake on
    • signing_key
  2. This immediately creates a new entry in the Operators registry, which creates a new staking pool for nominators to join. The pool is divided into shares on pro-rata basis, proportional to each nominators amount in the current_total_stake.
  3. The deposit is applied to the Deposits storage for this operator as a pending deposit. The operator_id is also added to the next_operators set in the DomainRegistry.
  4. A 20% of the deposit is transferred to a storage_fund_account towards paying storage fees for bundles. The rest of the deposit amount remains locked in operator’s balance account.
  5. At the next epoch transition for this domain, the current_total_stake for this domain is updated to reflect the operator’s deposit (minus the storage fund %). The operator_id is moved to the current_operators for this domain.
  6. The operator will get shares equal to their deposit (the share_price at the pool start is equal to 1). The total_shares and current_total_stake are set to the staked value. Their initial pending deposit is moved to KnownDeposit.
  7. The operator may now participate in the VRF bundle election.

Nominator Registration

Any user who has MinNominatorStake may choose to join this operator’s pool by calling the nominate_operator extrinsic with the deposit_amount of SSC they wish to stake.

Note: the actual calculations are done in Shannons, and 1 SSC = 101810^{18} Shannons

First nomination:

  1. The deposit of deposit_amount SSC is added to the Deposits storage as a PendingDeposit for the operator pool they chose.
  2. A 20% of the deposit is transferred to a storage_fund_account towards paying storage fees for bundles. The rest of the deposit amount remains locked in operator’s balance account.
  3. Deposit deposit_amount(minus the 20% for storage fund) is locked for nominator_id account in pallet_balances and operator_id’s deposits_in_epoch is incremented by the same amount.
  4. During the next epoch transition, the deposit_amount is added to current_total_stake of the operator pool and domain’s current_total_stake.

Note that nominator shares are not yet “assigned” until they either add a new deposit in a subsequent epoch or initiate a withdrawal.

For subsequent nomination deposits see Stake Deposits.

Stake Withdrawals

Any registered operator or nominator may initiate a withdrawal of their stake from the pool by submitting a withdraw_stake extrinsic which support different types of withdrawal:

  • All, withdraw all the stake
  • Percent, withdraw a given percentage of the stake
  • Stake, withdraw a given amount of stake (i.e. balance) The stake is calculated by the share price at this instant, it may not be accurate and may withdraw a bit more stake if there is reward happen later in this epoch
  • Share, withdraw a given amount of share

If the nominator's stake after withdrawal results in an amount below the operator's required minimum_nominator_stake, the nominator is automatically completely unstaked. Contrary, the operator cannot withdraw below the MinOperatorStake.

A withdrawal is logically composed of 2 parts. First, a user request to withdraw shares (withdraw_stake) that unstakes a given amount of stake at the end of epoch, and second, a request to unlock (unlock_funds extrinsic) and actually transfer to the balance account the amount of SSC for those shares after the locking period has passed.

A nominator can submit any number of withdraw_stake extrinsics. Withdrawals in the same epoch are aggregated and transferrable with the same unlock_funds extrinsic. However, for withdrawals in different epochs, separate unlock_funds extrinsics will have to be submitted, but they can be batched together if multiple have cleared the unlocking period.

  1. Nominator submits a withdraw_stake extrinsic.
  2. If there are any pending deposits PendingDeposit for this nominator for any previous epoch n, then use the OperatorEpochSharePrice stored for those specific deposit epoch n and calculate the shares and add it to existing shares in KnownDeposit.This would not be unbounded and at max be 1 PendingDeposit for a given nominator.
  3. If there are any withdrawals withdrawals_in_shares for this nominator for any previous epoch n, then use the OperatorEpochSharePrice stored for those specific epoch n and convert the shares to SSC, move the withdrawal into the converted withdrawals vector and add the amount to total_withdrawal_amount.
  4. Once the pending nominator deposit shares are calculated and added to known shares,
    1. If there are no withdrawals initiated this epoch yet, a Withdrawal item is created with
      1. allowed_since_domain_epoch set to current epoch,
      2. unlock_at_confirmed_domain_block_number = LatestConfirmedDomainBlockNumber(domain_id) + StakeWithdrawalLockingPeriod,
      3. withdraw_shares requested,
      4. storage_fee_refund = withdraw_shares/total_shares*storage_fee_deposit/total_storage_fee_deposit*storage_fund_account_balance
    2. If there is already a withdrawal for the same allowed_since_domain_epoch, Withdrawal storage is incremented with intended #withdraw_shares and storage_fee_refund to withdraw, and unlock_at_confirmed_domain_block_number is updated to a higher value LatestConfirmedDomainBlockNumber(domain_id) + StakeWithdrawalLockingPeriod. All the withdrawals submitted in the same epoch are unlocked at the unlocking time of the last withdrawal of that epoch.
    3. Nominator shares and storage fee deposit in their known deposits KnownDeposit are reduced:
      1. shares = shares - withdraw_shares
      2. storage_fee_deposit = storage_fee_deposit(1 - withdraw_shares/shares)
  5. operator_id ‘s withdrawals_in_epoch are incremented with total of withdraw_shares from all nominators withdraw requests for the next epoch. The total of all nominator storage fee deposits (total_storage_fee_deposit) is decremented by storage_fee_refund.
  6. The storage_fee_refund amount is locked in the operator’s storage_fund_account and not used to pay for any future bundles.

Unlock withdrawn funds

Once the previous epoch (of withdraw_shares extrinsic) is completed and share price for that epoch is noted, nominators can withdraw the amount per requested shares after the unlocking period is completed.

  1. Nominator submits unlock_funds(operator_id, nominator_id)
  2. Operator picks the nominator_id’s first (oldest) withdrawal from the list. If the StakeWithdrawalLockingPeriod period is not complete (the unlock_at_confirmed_domain_block_number is higher than LatestConfirmedDomainBlockNumber(domain_id)), then error out.
  3. Calculate amount_to_unlock as SSC amount for withdrawn shares using share value for epoch stored at OperatorEpochSharePrice the withdraw is allowed from.
  4. Retain storage_fee_refund as it was.
  5. Deduct amount_to_unlock from total_withdrawal_amount.
  6. If amount_to_unlock is more than SSC amount that was locked for staking on this operator, the excess is minted and locked to nominator account.
  7. Finally, amount_to_unlock of SSC is released from locked to transferrable state for nominator account.

Stake Deposits

Existing nominators may choose to add more stake to the same operator’s pool they are already nominating using the same nominate_operator extrinsic with the deposit_amount of SSC they wish to stake.

  1. Nominator with balance account nominator_id submits an extrinsic to deposit for next epoch for a given OperatorPool as nominate_operator(OperatorPoolId, nominator_id, deposit_amount)
  2. The deposit_amount is locked for nominator_id account in pallet_balances.
  3. The deposit is added as PendingDeposit to Deposits storage for this nominator-operator pair as a key.
  4. If there is a pending deposit for this nominator submitted this epoch, the existing pending deposit is incremented with deposit_amount.
  5. If there are any pending deposits for this nominator for any previous epoch n, then use the OperatorEpochSharePrice stored for those specific deposit epoch n and calculate the shares and add it to existing shares in KnownDeposit.This would not be unbounded and at max be 1 PendingDeposit for a given nominator.
  6. A 20% of the deposit is transferred to a storage_fund_account towards paying storage fees for bundles. The rest of the deposit amount remains locked in nominator’s balance account.
  7. The amount transferred is applied to domain’s balance.
  8. The deposit of deposit_amount(minus the storage fund %) SSC is applied to the deposits_in_epoch table within the operator pool.
  9. During the next epoch transition,
    1. Compute the operator’s pool end-of-epoch share_price as the sum of all stake in the pool and rewards gained during the previous epoch divided by the total number of shares (current_total_stake + current_epoch_rewards * (1-nomination_tax)) / total_shares.
    2. Assign the shares to this nominator based on the share_price of the pool (as shares = deposit_amount / share_price).
    3. The deposit_amount is added to current_total_stake of the operator pool and domain’s current_total_stake.
    4. The shares of this nominator are added to total_shares of the pool.

Operator Deregistration

See the corresponding deregister_operator extrinsic.

Slashing Stake

If any submit_fraud_proof extrinsic is accepted by the chain, the operator’s entire pool is slashed.

  1. The pool is immediately frozen for withdrawals and deposits, by setting status in Operators registry entry of this operator to Slashed.
  2. All new deposits are canceled and returned to senders.
  3. The Withdrawals table is checked to see if there are any withdrawals initiated for this operator, all of which are sent to the treasury account.
  4. The entire operator pool balance of current_total_stake and any rewards received will be transferred to treasury account and operator is removed from the next_operators.
  5. At epoch transition, the entire pool balance is applied to the SSC treasury account, and the Operator is removed from the Operators registry.

Fees Distribution

For each confirmed domain block this domain, fees are distributed as follows:

  • The storage fees (ER::block_fees.storage_fee) for bundles in that block are refunded to the operators who authored those bundles according to how much they front-paid for bundle size.
  • The execution fees (ER::block_fees.execution_fee) from the newly confirmed domain block are applied to the current_epoch_fees for this domain in the DomainRegistry and the operators pool (who submitted this ER) in the Operators registry.
  • Operator will get a cut of all fees collected by this pool as per nomination_tax specified in operator’s config at the epoch transition.
  • Operator’s cut will be automatically re-staked (via a deposit) to the operator’s nomination at next epoch transition. Operator’s shares, total_shares and current_total_stake will be updated with the corresponding deposit.
  • At the next epoch transition we check all domains and apply all changes corresponding to rewards, deposits and withdrawals to the current_total_stake, and the iterating through all registered operators and updating their current_total_stake as well. Note that this only changes the total pool balance, but does not affect total_shares or shares for any individual nominators.

Note: because of the challenge period, the fees distribution is delayed, and as a result, the set of nominators in the operator pool may have changed in the meantime. New operators who joined after the newly confirmed block was produced will get fees share from the blocks produced before they joined. Nominators who withdraw some shares will get lesser fee share. Nominators who withdraw completely, do not get fees for the last blocks still in challenge period, even though they were staking when those blocks were produced.