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Cryptographic Primitives

The following primitives are used in various parts of the protocol.


Hashes provide succinct commitments to arbitrary data.

hash(message) generally denotes BLAKE2b-256 unless otherwise specified.

keyed_hash(key, message) denotes keyed BLAKE2b-256 hash.

Substrate primitives (i.e., block hashing) use BLAKE2b-256 as well.

Proof-of-Space primitives use BLAKE3.

Merkle Tree

Provides succinct commitments (Merkle roots) to arbitrary-sized data sets with efficient proofs (witnesses) of inclusion. Current usages include trees for:

  • extrinsics sets in blocks (as defined in the Substrate framework)
  • state of the blockchain (as defined in the Substrate framework)
  • execution trace for the domain block

Merkle Mountain Range (MMR)

Provides succint commitments to arbitrary-sized data sets with efficient proofs (witnesses) of inclusion, updates and lookups. Specifically on the consensus chain, the Merkle Mountain range commits to the state of the chain. Specific block data is pruned from the consensus runtime state as the chain progresses, but the Merkle Mountain range allows for efficient verification of the pruned state. MMR proofs are primarily used in cross-domain messaging and fraud proofs.

We currently use Substrate pallet-mmr as a primitive type and we add another wrapper to provide LeafData on every block. A new MMR leaf is added during new block initialization, and each leaf from a given block holds information of the previous block.

MMR uses Keccak256 as the hashing function for greater interoperability with other chains.

Pallet implementation

struct LeafData

The leaf data for the Merkle Mountain Range contains the following fields:

  • block_number
  • block_hash
  • state_root that can be used to prove specific storage after block was imported
  • extrinsics_root that can be used to prove block body


leaf_data() -> LeafData

Fetches parent consensus block number and hash from the frame-system and fetch state root and extrinsic root through host function.



Implements the OnNewRoot hook for the pallet, which is triggered when a new MMR root is computed. When a new MMR root is computed, this function will deposit a log entry in the system digest with the new root hash. This allows other pallets or external systems to be notified of the new MMR root.

Runtime Integrations


mmr_root() -> mmr_root_hash

Returns the on-chain MMR root hash.


mmr_leaf_count() -> index

Return the number of MMR blocks in the chain.


generate_proof(block_numbers, best_known_block_number: Option) -> (Vec<Leaf>, Proof)

Generates an MMR proof for a series of block numbers. If best_known_block_number argument is provided, uses the historical MMR state at the given block height n. Else, uses current MMR state. Returns a tuple containing the list of MMR leves corresponding to block_numbers and the MMR proof.


verify_proof(leaves, proof) -> Ok/Error

Verifies an MMR proof against on-chain MMR for a given batch of leaves. The leaves should be sorted such that corresponding leaves and leaf indices have the same position in both the leaves vector and the leaf indices contained in the proof. It will return Ok if the proof is valid and an Err(..) if MMR is inconsistent (some leaves are missing) or the proof is invalid.

Digital Signature

Digital signatures secure different parts of consensus by providing a means of authentication.

We currently use Schnorr/Ristretto x25519 (also known as sr25519) as the key derivation and signing algorithm (with the schnorrkel library).

Non-canonical Schnorr signatures are used to sign rewards for a newly forged block (as defined in Substrate) and votes by farmers, as well as transactions and transaction bundles by domain operators. Canonical (deterministic) signatures are used as a verifiable random function (VRF) in the slot leader election among domain operators. A canonical scheme is necessary for these cases to prevent attackers from repeatedly signing until they produce an election solution that meets the threshold (as part of a grinding attack).


sign(secret_key, message)signature

Creates non-canonical signature.


verify(public_key, message, signature)bool


vrf_sign(secret_key, transcript)vrf_signature

Runs VRF on a single input transcript, producing the vrf_output and corresponding short vrf_proof. The resulting vrf_signature is a tuple (output, proof).


vrf_verify(public_key, transcript, vrf_signature)bool

Splits vrf_signature into output and proof and verifies proof for an input transcript and the corresponding output.

Kate-Zaverucha-Goldberg (KZG) Polynomial Commitment

KZG polynomial commitment scheme allows for constant-sized inclusion proofs for arbitrary-sized data sets. Specifically:

  • The commitment size is constant and equal to one group element of an elliptic group that admits pairings. With BLS12-381, that is 48 bytes
  • The proof size is constant and equal to one group element (48 bytes)
  • Verification time is constant and requires two group multiplications and two pairings
  • Proving time (commitment and proof generation) is linear in the degree of the underlying polynomial (length of committed data)

Subspace adopted the KZG public parameters from the Ethereum KZG ceremony, leveraging the Structured Reference String (SRS), also known as the universal reference. The SRS is publicly available, allowing anyone to construct their KZG commitments with confidence in the underlying security. The success of the Ethereum ceremony guarantees the trustworthiness of the setup.

The cryptographic hash of the final parameters file, produced at the conclusion of the Ethereum KZG ceremony, serves as a digital fingerprint, ensuring the integrity and authenticity of the SRS used across the Ethereum network. This hash enables users to verify that they are working with the correct set of parameters, untouched and unaltered since their creation during the trusted setup.



Represents data as a polynomial needed for the rest of the scheme. The degree of the polynomial dd is equal to the (length of data - 1).

An ordered data set is treated as a set of values as (x,y) = (w^i, data[i]), where data[i] are SAFE_BYTES-byte (31 bytes) chunks, and w is a root of unity of degree dd, of from which a polynomial that satisfies p(x)=yp(x)=y for all these points is interpolated. This may be done every time needed using a saved root of unity (one field element).

The resulting polynomial is in coefficient form.



Computes a commitment to polynomial


create_witness(polynomial, num_values, index)witness

Computes a witness of evaluation of polynomial at index in the domain of size num_values


verify(commitment, num_values, index, value, witness)bool

Verifies that value is the evaluation at index of the polynomial in the domain of size num_values matching the commitment

Erasure Code

An erasure code extends given data according to its operation rate so that the original data can be recovered from a subset.

We currently use a Discrete Fourier Transform-based systematic Reed-Solomon code with a rate of 1/2 over the field FrF_{r}, where rr is the size of subgroup of points BLS12-381 curve for the record chunks and the same approach over the subgroup of points G1G_1 for commitments.

The auxiliary parameters aux may include domain initialization for Fast Fourier Transform (FFT).


extend(source_data, rate, aux)extended_data

Extends source_data vector so that the result is 1/rate larger than the source using auxiliary parameters aux, as follows:

  1. interpolate a polynomial p:FrFrp: F_{r} → F_{r} over the values in data with inverse FFT
  2. read from aux an evaluation domain of size double the source_data length
  3. evaluate that polynomial over that larger domain to obtain extended_data vector


recover(data_shards, aux)source_data

Recovers the original source_data if data_shards is at least rate the size of original data (i.e., half for the rate of 1/2) using auxiliary parameters aux.

We introduce counterparts to extend and recover functions specifically defined for the case of erasure coding the KZG commitments as elliptic curve points.


extend_commitments(source_commitments, rate, aux)extended_commitments

Extends source_commitments vector so that the result is 1/rate larger than the source using auxiliary parameters aux, as follows:

  1. interpolate a polynomial p:FrG1p: F_{r} → G_1 over the values in source_commitments with inverse FFT
  2. read from aux an evaluation domain of size double the source_commitments length
  3. evaluate that polynomial over that larger domain to obtain extended_commitments vector

In the extended data (for both records and commitments), the values with even indices (i.e., (0,2,…,254)) correspond to the source values and the values with odd indices (i.e.,(1,3,…,255)) correspond to parity values. The source data is effectively contained only in values with an even index, making it sufficient to obtain only those for direct recovery.


We introduce an additional function for efficient interoperation between KZG and RS:

recover_poly(partial_data, aux)polynomial

Recovers the polynomial in coefficient form, which evaluates to data, without evaluating it, if partial_data is at least rate the size of original data (i.e., half if the rate is 1/2) using auxiliary parameters aux.

The resulting polynomial is suitable for use with the KZG primitives commit and create_witness.

Encoding Mapping

Encoding provides a means to make arbitrary useful data (i.e. chunks of blockchain history) look like random data through encoding, while allowing to retrieve the useful data through decoding.

encode(data, key)encoding

decode(encoding, key)data

We currently use XOR as encoding function. The key in general may or may not depend on farmer public or private key.


Proof-of-Space is used as an intermediary step in the construction of Proof-of-Archival-Storage consensus as a space-time tradeoff prevention mechanism. Proof-of-space is different from memory-hard functions in that the bottleneck is not in the number of memory access events, but in the amount of memory required.

For the more detailed specification of these primitives see Dilithium PoS Specification


generate(k, seed)pos_table

Initializes an amount of space larger than PIECE_SIZE by generating a Chia plot table from seed after forward propagation phase.

Currently, the space parameter k is set to 20 with resulting in 160-byte proofs-of-space.

The plot seed is obtained from farmer public key, current sector and piece offset within the sector.

Figure 1: Structure of Chia PoS table


find_proof(pos_table, challenge_index)proof_of_space

For a given challenge_index samples the pos_table for a valid full proof-of-space if the corresponding proof exists at this index, returns None otherwise.

Figure 2: Querying the PoS table at a challenge index. On average 37% of indices are missing a proof.


is_proof_valid(k, seed, challenge, proof_of_space)bool

Verifies whether proof-of-space proof_of_space is valid for challenge of a table for k and seed.