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Domains Overview


Domain: an enshrined rollup that performs settlement or execution for the consensus chain. Each domain uses a standard set of permissioned runtimes but may have a user-defined configuration.

Domain Operator: an account, that by staking SSC and running a operator software, operates a domain node and takes the responsibility of producing new bundles when elected, validating transactions, and executing transactions within a specific domain. Operators also watch for fraud and challenge other potentially fraudulent operators.

Domain Subnet: a separate P2P gossip network for each domain

Domain Bundle: a collection of transactions for a domain that are ready for execution

Execution Receipt (ER): a commitment to the execution of a domain block, included in the bundle

Domain Block: a derived block that consists of transactions from one or more bundles, deterministically ordered

Fraud Proof: proof that shows that a commitment to some block with an execution receipt is invalid

High-Level Workflow

  1. Bootstrap Consensus Chain

    Given a genesis block and at least one genesis farmer, we will have block production on the consensus chain. On its own, the consensus chain will only issue rewards to farmers and allow for balance transfers of SSC.

  2. Domain Creation

    The sudo user will register the first domain runtime by calling the register_domain_runtime extrinsic, uploading its WASM runtime directly into the chain state. The sudo user will then instantiate the first domain by calling the instantiate_domain extrinsic on the previously registered domain runtime. This will include a genesis config, from which we may derive a chainspec and a genesis block.

    For more details see Domain Instantiation & Upgrades

  3. Operator Staking

    Anyone may now deposit SSC and stake as an operator of this domain, allowing them to participate in the VRF election to produce bundles and executed domain blocks. They do this by submitting the register_operator extrinsic targeting the first domain instance along with the minimum required staking deposit. On the next stake epoch, they will be eligible to participate in the VRF election.

    For more details, see Staking Protocol

  4. Domain Transactions

    Users of the first domain may now produce extrinsics (transactions) and submit them to operators on the domain’s subnet. When pre-validating extrinsics, operators only check to ensure the extrinsic is well-formed and that the user can afford the blockspace storage fee. They do not attempt to execute the transaction to determine if the execution weight can be paid.

  5. VRF Election

    For each time slot, the registered operator will attempt to solve the VRF puzzle with the success probability determined by the target_bundles_per_slot defined in the genesis domain_config. To do so, they sign the slot challenge and check if it is below the desired threshold. When elected, they will produce a new domain bundle.

    For more details, see Bundle Producer Election

  6. Bundle Production

    To produce a new bundle, the operator will include a ProofOfElection for the VRF election, an ExecutionReceipt that either extends or confirms the last domain block tracked on the consensus chain and all extrinsics that fall within the operator's sector of the extrinsic sortition ring. The bundle is then broadcast on the consensus chain gossip network via submit_bundle extrinsic.

    For more details, see Domain Bundle Production

  7. Bundle Verification

    All consensus nodes receiving the bundle will only verify that it is well-formed and includes a valid ProofOfElection based on the stake distribution for this epoch before broadcasting to their peers and placing the bundle within their local extrinsic pool.

    For more details, see Initial Domain Bundle Verification by Consensus Nodes

  8. Consensus Block Production

    When a consensus node is elected to produce a new block, it will include as many valid domain bundles as will fit into the block and broadcast on the consensus network. Other nodes will only accept blocks that include valid bundles. On block execution, each bundle header will be applied to the consensus chain state by calling submit_bundle. The ExecutionReceipt will extend or confirm an entry within the domain’s BlockTree, while the bundle_extrinsics will be added to the domain’s execution_inbox.

    For more details, see Bundle Header Application

  9. Domain Block Execution

    Given a valid consensus block with at least one domain bundle, the domain operator (or any full domain node) may build and execute the resulting domain block. Extrinsics will be deduplicated, grouped by sender ID, and shuffled using the consensus block PoAS as the seed. This mitigates the ability for operators to extract value from users by re-ordering or inserting their own extrinsics. The domain block with then be carefully executed, one extrinsic at a time, allowing the operator to produce an ExecutionReceipt, which is cached until they produce the next bundle.

    For more details, see Domain Block Production and Domain Block Execution on the Operator Node

  10. Challenging Operators

    Any node who observes an ExecutionReceipt within any bundle for any consensus chain block that differs from what they produced locally has detected fraud. To handle the fraud they will produce a submit_fraud_proof extrinsic, which includes a proof. If the proof is valid, it will be included in the consensus chain, which will prune the ExecutionReceipt (and all children) from the BlockTree and slash all related operators.

    For more details, see Slashing Stake and Fraud Proofs.

  11. Submit Missing Receipt

    After a fraud proof is accepted, the targetted bad receipt and all its descendant receipts will be pruned, this will create a gap between the latest domain block (i.e. HeadDomainNumber) and the latest receipt on chain (i.e. HeadReceiptNumber), when this happen the operator will start producing the submit_receipt extrinsic to fill up this gap, and after HeadDomainNumber - HeadReceiptNumber = 1 the operator will resume producing submit_bundle extrinsic.

    For more details, see submit_receipt and Lagging operator protection.